Digital Strategy Technology

And so it starts

It’s been six weeks since I started my new job, and not everything has gone according to plan. Data seems to be a challenge to gather, as so much of it sits in silos. But one thing I’m appreciative of is the desire of the business to move forward with transforming itself at a time when most other businesses are retreating into their shells.

Unsurprisingly, education appears to be the Number One thing I spend my day doing. Getting the organization to understand that digital is not just a channel, but an entire business model is going to take time. The pandemic this year has shown that we need to open up this new ways of doing business, as the old ways won’t survive in a time of lock-down or circuit breakers.

From acquisition to conversion to retention, all these business life-cycle phases need to have digital equivalents so that people have the option to continue doing business whit you even though they can’t physically interact with you. That is the ultimate business continuity strategy, and it’s unbelievable that its taken a global pandemic to make that obvious to everyone and their grandmother!

Its no surprise that the stocks that have soared this year are the one’s that are digital native businesses. Netflix, Amazon and Zoom have seen their share prices rise like crazy, while those with physical assets like airlines, hotels and cruises are barely clinging onto survival in this most horrendous of years. It’s at times like these that we need to adapt and change they way we do things.

I for one welcome the change away from the globalised model of the late 20th century, where American hegemony was a given, and we were all passive consumers of content and materials from the west. There’s been a push to go local (no, I’m not talking about the MAGA sickos), to adopt more sustainable practices that benefit people and communities. My recent stint of unemployment has given me a different perspective too, and money isn’t the most important this anymore (though I’m still striving for FIRE in the next 15years).

With that, I’m signing off to go swimming with my family. You take care of yourselves, dear reader, and wear a damn mask!

Berlin gives middle finger to anti-maskers in tourism agency ad
Berlin gives middle finger to anti-maskers in tourism agency ad

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